The Foundation is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization which has established an endowment for the purpose of providing grants through local schools to help underprivileged children grades K-12 to pay for small things that may be out of their reach. From field trips to school supplies to practice packs for athletes, many in our local schools don’t even have a few dollars and that’s a void the Foundation seeks to fill with your help!
The inspiration behind the Cheryl Lyn Welter Family Charitable Foundation is Cheryl herself. To learn more about Cheryl and how she sparked the idea for the Foundation, click here.
Our goal is to continue to build the endowment so that we may increase grants to teachers and others who work with underprivileged students in our local schools. To learn more about how you can donate, click here.
As the endowment has begun to grow, we began to award grants in 2018 to help teachers and others who work with underprivileged children in local schools to fund the needs in their classrooms and areas where they find needy children. To learn about the application process for grants and learn more about how the foundation could benefit your school, click here.
Our Foundation has begun to touch the lives of many area students. Not only have many area students become the beneficiaries of monies raised by the Foundation, but many area students have also been moved to help in the fundraising efforts themselves. Click here to learn how Cheryl's Foundation has begun to affect students in the area.
Contact Us:
To contact a member of the Foundation for more information, click here. Don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook!